The Time Bridge Series


“The Time Bridge Project”; the first of my “Time Bridge Series”

I plan to soon begin the publish process through Amazon my first work of science fiction of the “Time Bridge Series”.  The title of this piece is “The Time Bridge Project”.

Most science fiction work regarding some type of space travel involves the use of some type of magical method of circumventing the overwhelming distances of space between planets and other scenes of adventure.  Concepts of warp drive, space transfer gates, and so on prevail in imaginary space travel.

I take issue with such concepts.  In my opinion, the reality of space travel to other stars can only be accomplished by the use of time.  I call it a “time bridge”.  In order to travel to distant star systems in our galaxy, the traveler must commit to seemingly overwhelming intervals of time.  In other words, if one wishes to visit another planet located 500 light years away, then he must travel at sub-light speed for hundreds of years to get there.  Of course that obviates the need for suspension of human life forms for great periods of time.  Hence, the time bridge.  In order to travel to distant locations light years away, the bridge available will be the use of time.

Thus, the premise of my first piece of this science fiction series is the use of the time bridge for space travel.

The planet Zumaria is an earth-like planet located many thousands of light years distance from our home here on Earth.  Zumaria’s humanoid like society has developed a robust solar system wide economy similar to that we here on Earth would visualize for our future.  This society has determined to become occupants of the entire Galaxy.  Zumaria shall send fleets of interstellar vessels destined for planets throughout the Galaxy in attempts to colonize those planets.  Using the concept of the time bridge, it is anticipated these colonies shall be conceived many thousands of years in the future.

All this activity occurs many thousands of years in our past as early humanity establishes itself here on Earth.  One or more of the Zumarian colony vessels is destined for Earth.  They establish themselves on Earth at a time that is early in the establishment of mankind here on our home.

So it begins.