The Invisible Becomes Visible

For most of us, the day does not begin after sleeping in a nest of leaves under a rock cleft, followed by gathering of tubers and berries from nearby wild vegetation; eaten raw without the benefit of fire’s heat.
No, we have the advantage of thousands of years of creative human endeavor that has rendered our species an ability to thrive beyond the imaginations of our predecessors.
The human legacy is the act of creation. We have the gift of rendering “the invisible to become the visible”.
Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
So the Conscious Universe created a creature whose very nature is that of the Eternal Essence. This creature is destined to be a co-creator.
Now this creature is capable of drawing from the Eternal pool of conscious being in order to bring about the attributes of wonder from outside space and time. As a result, he can render what was once a potential to become a reality.
Let’s consider the value of the potential human creativity and his connection with his Eternal nature. Value has to do with the effort and resources that were required to bring about that so called item of value.
Use the perspective of the Conscious Universe. Denote this entity as “He” for brevity.
He has succeeded in the establishment of an aspect of His creation by using His laws of physics combined with aspects of His resources of “Infinity” to bring about a “Big Bang” that took an infinite singularity to an expanding collage of matter and energy.
His initial effort was huge. It took the non-existent invisible to be rendered into the infinite visible. The cost in time to bring this about is in the billions of scalar years.
He was pleased with the visible results of His effort. Great galaxies of huge energy were formed. The wonders of physics were beyond imaginable. His laws of quantum physics allowed events to “collapse” into reality as He observed them.
He yearned for more, though. He brought about all these material attributes that were wonders to behold, but they did not reflect the complete nature of His being.
His creation, to be complete, must reflect his total and true nature. So He embarked upon the most difficult endeavor of all. He began with the initiative germs of Life. It remains a modern mystery as to how He brought about this inconceivable miracle, some how or another. He drew from His pool of Eternity to cross the threshold of the inanatimate to the anatimate.
He used His attributes of emergence. Emergence is the concept of the natural progression of the more simple to the more complex. He invested hundreds of millions of years to this endeavor.
Finally, the emergent nature of life produced a being that had begun to understand the concept of the passage of time. After five or six million years of experimentation, the creative thinking species of humanity came about.
He declared the inception of the human creature as good. The potential to fulfill the ultimate nature of the Conscious Universe in the form of a real touchable visible entity was at hand. He created a visible being that contained the full potential of His own nature.
The potential of a visible consciousness through-out the here-to-fore lifeless Universe was at hand to fill space and time. Eternity was triumphant!
A terrible price had to be paid, though. In order for the new human to fully inherit the role of the visible “Consciousness”, he had to be provided with unlimited choice. No limited attribute of this aspect of nature was acceptable.
At the same time, this physical co-creator’s vision is extremely limited. The task of rendering the invisible to become the visible demands the co-creator to focus his creative attributes on a very limited scope at any one time. His vision, by necessity, must be confined. He can only consider issues on a truncated scale over a concise period of time frame. He is only capable of visualizing tight boundaries.
Yet, he has unlimited choices. Without a firmly established relationship and awareness of the Universal Consciousness, his Creator, his renderings of co-creations can only procure dis-harmony and chaos.
Hence, ambassadors arose to provide examples to the co-creator to provide here-to-fore unseen guidance. By following the guidelines of these Consciosness inspired emissaries, harmonious processes were made possible.
History is repleat with examples of both harmonious and chaotic creations. The key is to seek, and continually seek the guidance of the True Nature of the Conscious Universe.
We humans are often heard repeating the common phrase, “Well, what do you expect? I’m just human.”
“Just human”! After billions of years over the infinity of space, matter, and time that has led to the creation of a living breathing being that immulates the complete Nature of the Conscious Universe, we consider ourselves “just human”! No! We are the infinite potential of the full essence of Eternity in a visible living breathing form! We are the masterpiece!
We now can choose. We can now recognize the Holy potential of our inheritance to grow in our efforts and our relationship with the Eternal; or we can utilize our phenomenal powers to diminish and destroy. It’s all within our grasp, one way or the other.